
We’re here for
Hospital and Acute Care

Provide your staff with the tools and resources they need to deliver high-quality care at every stage of the patient journey - from prehospital settings and emergency departments, to inpatient and intensive-care.

National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards

Education mapped to the NSQHS Standards

All Ausmed learning resources are mapped to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, allowing you to easily address compliance requirements by assigning and reporting on learning relating to a particular standard.

One-click reporting

Easily download reports on staff training compliance. With Ausmed you can report by team, job role, facility or the NSQHS Standards with just the touch of a button.

Built to support your team's clinical knowledge

Give your organisation access to our full range of Hospital and Acute Care learning resources from the Ausmed Library™.

  • Medication Safety
  • Clinical Governance
  • Duty of Care
  • Clinical Deterioration
  • Manual Handling Safety
  • Infection Prevention and Control
  • Comprehensive Care
  • Many more...

‘Comprehensive and easy to incorporate into clinical practice.’

Jitka, Ausmed User
Open Disclosure and Apology Resource

Give your staff the freedom to learn anywhere, anytime with the Ausmed App

Our highly popular app gives your staff the flexibility they need to learn on their own terms. Resulting in a learning experience your staff actually want to engage with.

NDIS resource standards

Complete the CPD Cycle

When you switch to Ausmed, your team gets instant access to their own online portfolio that helps guide them through the entire CPD cycle - plan, learn, document and reflect.

Australian healthcare professionals and workers choose Ausmed for ongoing education

‘Excellent course for further embedding prior knowledge and applying safe and effective clinical care.’

Corey, Ausmed User
Stroke Management

‘Very informative and useful even for pre-hospital practitioners.’

Bethany, Ausmed User
Clinical Detective: Cardiovascular

‘Really great resource - easy to understand and quite thorough. Highly recommend especially if you're working in an acute care environment.’

Amanda, Ausmed User
Pathology Interpretations Made Easy

‘It was so interesting and exactly what I was looking for. Really well presented.’

Gemma, Ausmed User
Components of the ECG: What’s Normal?