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Wound Fundamentals

3 resources6h 0mCapstone Assessment
Upskill in wound care with our comprehensive Skill Track. Gain the essential evidence-based knowledge and skills you need to deliver the best patient outcomes and accelerate your career with expertise that sets you apart – all in one place.
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Who it's for:

This Skill Track is primarily intended for nurses and other healthcare professionals caring for patients with wounds in their practice and would benefit from an improved understanding of best-practice wound management.

Review the Study Guide

Ensure you’re prepared for the Capstone Assessment by reviewing the Wound Fundamentals Study Guide.


Wound Fundamentals Capstone AssessmentIncluded with subscription

1h - 1.5h
All resources must be completed before attempting the Capstone Assessment.
Wound fundamentals certificate
Earn your Certificate of Accomplishment
Complete all resources and pass the Capstone Assessment to earn your Ausmed and Wounds Australia endorsed Certificate of Accomplishment.

What you’ll learn:

This Skill Track has nine intended learning outcomes. Upon successful completion of the Wound Fundamentals Skill Track, learners will be able to:


Apply a holistic approach to wound management that demonstrates clear recognition of how key factors relating to the person, their wound and the environment directly influence healing trajectory and outcomes.


Demonstrate the ability to accurately assess and describe wound characteristics such as size, depth, tissue types, exudate and surrounding skin according to best practice.


Communicate findings from wound assessments and routine wound management practices clearly, comprehensively and accurately.


Understand and apply the principles of aseptic technique when cleansing and debriding wounds.


Understand and select various wound cleansing agents and techniques according to the specific needs of the person, their wound and the environment.


Recognise the importance and relevance of simple wound debridement within a nursing scope of practice in order to confidently select and perform appropriate debridement techniques accordingly.


Select appropriate wound dressings and products based on wound aetiology and characteristics, product specifications, the person and their healing objective.


Increase confidence in evaluating the effectiveness of a dressing regimen and making informed decisions about whether or not changes are necessary in order to achieve optimal outcomes.


Evaluate wound healing trajectory and progress against a patient’s goals of care.


What is an Ausmed Skill Track?

An Ausmed Skill Track is a comprehensive learning path designed to teach and assess you on your knowledge and skills in a specific subject. Skill Tracks include a final Capstone Assessment to validate your learning and ensure practical application of your knowledge.

Why should I complete the Wound Fundamentals Skill Track?

Wound Fundamentals is developed by Ausmed’s education team in collaboration with Wounds Australia, the leading authority on wound management in Australia. It is the only online wound course endorsed by Wounds Australia.

The Skill Track equips you with essential best-practice knowledge and skills to confidently manage the care of patients with wounds. Whether you’re building new competencies or strengthening your foundational understanding, Wound Fundamentals supports your professional development while validating your expertise through a Capstone Assessment. Additionally, it is the only pathway to earning a certification in wound care fundamentals that is fully endorsed by Wounds Australia.

What do I need to do to complete the Skill Track?

In order to receive an endorsed Certificate of Accomplishment from Ausmed and Wounds Australia, you will need to meet the following requirements:

  1. Complete all learning in the Skill Track: Watch the entirety of each video course in the Skill Track and correctly answer all formative test-your-learning questions after each course unit. There is no limit on the number of attempts at the test-your-learning questions.
  2. Pass the Capstone Assessment: Enrol in the Wound Fundamentals Capstone Assessment, which is hosted by the online exam platform, Synap. Successfully complete the assessment and achieve a passing score of 70% within 30 days of enrolment. You will be allowed 1 reattempt per enrolment.

How long will it take to complete?

This Skill Track includes approximately 6 hours of content, including:

  • Featured Content - 4 hours (approx.): This Skill Track features three Ausmed Courses that make up the main learning materials of this Skill Track. These courses are self-paced and can be undertaken over as many sessions as needed to fit your schedule.
  • Study Guide - 1 hour (recommended minimum): Reviewing the Study Guide is optional but recommended. You should dedicate at least 60 minutes to reviewing the featured content and practice questions to help prepare you for the Capstone Assessment.
  • Capstone Assessment - 1 hour (approx.): The Capstone Assessment for this Skill Track on average takes between 60 to 90 minutes to complete depending on the learner. The assessment is not timed so you may complete it at your own pace. However, it must be completed within 30 days of enrolment.

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Endorsed and designed in partnership with Wounds Australia
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Wound fundamentals certificateWound fundamentals certificate
Certificate of Accomplishment
Showcase your expertise and set yourself apart with the Wound Fundamentals Certificate of Accomplishment!